September 2008 - USA

I'm losing track of the burger count.

This morning I headed out when the shops opened to walk around. I must say that Westfield is pretty crap, there is not many exciting shops there bar the food, which I had for lunch. The shops around Union Square are far better and the Hotel is in a great location for getting to these. I busied myself with shopping for most of the morning, bought another bag to bring all my goodies home ($50, on special).

In the afternoon we got in the car and headed around the city. It was a beautiful day so we ended up driving past Fisherman's Wharf to Presidio National Park which is where you will get all the brilliant pictures of the Golden Gate Bridge, and yes, I took just a couple of pictures here. Next was to drive around the city a bit. Four Seasons map has where the little street shopping areas are so we followed that and in two cases they turned out to be very typical Four Seasons shops, however the shops and cafe's on Filmore Street look pretty cool and we are planning on going there on our last day.

We ended up in the gay district which was essentially yuppiville with gay flags everywhere. One really huge flag marking the beginning of Castro (the gay district). Trent thought he had seen a Best Buy store down a street we were on. Took us a little while to find but he did see it. Best Buy is like a big JB Hifi, maybe less DVDs and CDs but pretty cool. We looked around, found out that the PS3 game that Jonno wants comes out the day we leave. He will be VERY lucky if he gets this :)

Heading back to the Hotel I knew it was Gossip Girl and Heroes night. Trent ended up heading out of the Hotel and I stayed in going to the main restaurant, Seasons. Clearly sitting on my own caught the attention of one American man, around my parents age, who came up to talk to me three times during the evening. I figured he had had a few to drink because I think two of them were trips to the bathroom. He started by talking about the bread, then by the end he moved onto the dessert (I ended up having the same dessert that he and his business collegue had). Anyoo, at one point in the conversation he said, "If I had have known earlier, I would have invited you to have dinner with us." Funny. Earlier, I noticed him completely eyeing off this gorgeous tall lady in a red dress walking past during the meal. I gave a little wave and ran to the room, I was 15 minutes late for Gossip Girl.